Thursday, 17 December 2015

Enable Usage Tracking in OBIEE 11G

Usage tracking which is used to monitor the query performance and the users or group of users who was seen the dashboards or reports.

1. By default user logs will be created in NQ query log file.
2. If we want to insert these logs into a database table then we need to go for usage
3. Once data is loaded into usage tracking table(S_NQ_ACCT) then we can
develop user friendly report.


1) Create Table called S_NQ_ACCT
S_NQ_ACCT table will be created in DEV_BIPLATFORM automatically with the installation of OBIEE RCU installation.

2) Importing table into RPD

      a) Open RPD in offline mode.
      b) Right click in Physical layer → click on new database → Name it as Usage Tracking → Select database as Oracle 11g → Click on connection pools tab → Click on add → Name it as UT ConnectionPool → Data source name: // → User name: DEV_BIPLATFORM → password : DEV_BIPLATFORM → Click on OK → type DEV_BIPLATFORM password
Click on OK –>Again OK

3) Right Click on connection pool UT ConnectionPool → Click on import → follow wizard and import S_NQ_ACCT table.

4) Double click on S_NQ_ACCT table → click on Keys tab → name it as Id
select ID → Click on OK

5) Set Usage Tracking Parameters

Login to EM as weblogic user

Expand Business Intelligence → Select Core application → Click on Lock and
Edit Configuration → Click on Ok

b) Expand Weblogic Domain ->  Right click on bifoundatio_domain -> Click on
system Mbean Browser

Expand Application Defined Mbeans → Expand Oracle.biee.admin → Expand BIDomain → select BIDomain(2nd one)

Go to Operations tab → click on lock → Click on Invoke → Click on Return

Expand Application Defined Mbeans → Expand Oracle.biee.admin → Expand
BIDomain.BIinstance.serverconfiguration → Click on
BIDomain.BIinstance.serverconfiguration → Right side observe usage tracking

a) Configuring ENABLE parameter
Click on 20 Usage TrackingEnabled Select value as true → Click on apply → Click on return

b) Configuring DIRECTINSERT parameter
Click on 19 Usage TrackingDirectInsert Select value as true Click on
apply Click on return

c) Configuring Connectionpool parameter
Click on 18 Usage TrackingConnectionpool → Give DB name and Connection pool name Click on apply Click on return

d) Configuring PhysicalTableName parameter
Click on 21 Usage TrackingPhysicalTableName → Give DB Name, Connection Pool Name and Table Name Click on apply Click on return

6) Testing:

1. Develop any report & run it.
2. Go to database type SELECT * FROM S_NQ_ACCT, notice one or more records are available.